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S1E4 In a “Bad” Pinterest Niche? This Is for You

Carly & Tony

Ever felt stuck trying to grow your Pinterest traffic? Or wondered if your niche is holding you back? 

If you're pinning in a niche and not feeling like you are getting any traction, we've got some practical advice just for you!

Tune in to episode 4 to learn how to decide if you are in a “bad” Pinterest niche, and what your next step should be!

Questions to Ask Yourself:

• What tools can you use? 

• Can you look at any data or analytics to determine if you are in a “bad” or “good” niche?

• How easily can you create your content with AI?

• How visual is your niche? 

• Are there always new ideas, angles, and products for the niche?

• How much content can you create for people at the beginning of their journey?

• How much of the Pinterest population will engage with this subject? Will they engage consistently?

Topics Covered:

• Understanding the impact of Pinterest's "account score"

• Targeting multiple Pinterest niches versus focusing on one

• Importance of niche engagement for sustainable growth

• Effective niche selection using tools (PinClicks, Pinterest Explorer Tool)

• Differentiating content strategies for Pinterest and Google

• Understanding if account dilution is hindering growth

• Evaluating when to give up, pivot or start a new account

Episode References: 


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